Pop Up TOUS Bubble Tea Bar located at Palacio de Hierro Perisur in Mexico City.
Browsing Category: Coolhunting
Fundamentally / a place for fashion, styling, and sustainability
It’s a very busy season, and between work and personal projects is being non stop. But! I wanted you to have the latest news, go check out FUNDAMENTALLY located at my favorite street in La Roma neighborhood. In front of one of my favs coffee shops Panadería Rosetta, you will find the showroom crossing the […]
MIMO Café Bueno
The most delicious French Toast and Coffee! I had the most delicious French toast, with a warm apple and strawberry compote with edible flowers. The coffee frappe is a very good choice as well, it doesn’t contain dairy only coffee.
Chiquitito Café
Chiquitito Café is one of my favorite coffee shops in Mexico City! The first time I came it was a few years a go with one of my best friends, and I enjoyed the coffee very much. Today there are 4 Chiquitito’s in Mexico City. But this one located in La Condesa, in Mexico City […]
Craving for some cheesy pizza? You def have to dry Dr.Pizza in Mexico City. Address: Lucerna Street 70b , Mexico City, Mexico Follow Dr.Pizza on Instagram @drpizza
“I scream, for Ice Cream” Casa Morgana
I just had the most delicious Ice Cream! I went to Casa Morgana Helados with my nephew and my bf and I got a cinnamon flavored one. The Ice Cream is traditionally made. And I recommend it so much! You will find very original flavours. Are you planning a date with your significant other? This […]
“Eat Kimchi, Drink Soju” at MOA DELI
One of my favorite places to go in La Roma at Mexico City is MOA DELI! The very first time I came it was with my bf and a couple of friends. We shared a delicious breakfast, and I fell in love with it’s KIMCHI and SANDOS (Sandwiches) specially the one with egg. That day […]
Farmacia Internacional / Your place for Pop Tarts and Coffee in Mexico City
Today I had a delicious breakfast at Farmacia Internacional located in Bucareli, at Mexico City. I ordered a latte and an Egg in vase with bacon. It was a delicious experience! If you come to Farmacia you must try their home made Pop Tarts, what a delight. It is a beautiful and cozy place, ideal […]
LLL / Libros Libros Libros Bookstore
Who doesn’t love coffee and great books?! I fell in love with LLL Libros, Libros, Libros Bookstore. This bookstore is so cozy, and they have the latest books. It’s an speciality bookstore. I was searching for Philip Kotler’s latest book , and had the fortune of ordering it at the store. I also found American […]
Selección Marsella / Interior, Lifestyle and Decor
While I was scrolling my Instagram feed I came across Selección Marsella store, I found the curatorship of design and decor exquisite. And I was curious to know more about this new hot spot. How was the idea of opening Selección Marsella conceived? Selección Marsella emerges from the taste of being at home, for enjoying […]