Hello Granila, with no doubt when I found one of your original moon mirror designs It caught my attention. I wanted to know more about your brand and the inspiration behind your work.
Where are you from? I am from the semidesert of Monclova, Coahuila Mexico.

When did the idea of communicating and expressing yourself with your designs started? The idea was conceived by making tangible thoughts, the expression of myself through experimentation.
What is the inspiration behind your designs? Nature, my colleagues, artistic friends, and people who have supported me.
Is there a special meaning behind the different phases of the moon for you? Getting to know and understand myself more. I see a process very similar to the phases of the moon with myself and my process.

I’ve seen that your designs have travelled the world outside of Mexico, Where have you shipped them to? Yes! Is madness to get to so many places with my art, I’ma very thankful with the people who believe in me and trust me from far away. I’ve shipped to many rare and beautiful places: Arabian Emirates, Kuwait, Singapore, Malasia, Saudi Arabia, China, Hong Kong, Australia, Austria, Italy, Spain, and so many places in the United States.

You can find Granila’s moon mirrors in:
Ig: granilasantisteban