They used to say I was somewhat like “Gossip Girl” (American TV Series from books adaptation) or Lady Whisledown (Bridgerton) of my time lol. Looking back where I started, my very first fashion project was my blog “Que Coman Pastel” – “Let them eat cake”, where I discussed my point of view about fashion, trends, brands, and designers in my country Mexico. It wasn’t easy, the “fashion industry” has it’s own ways, and sometimes people can be cruel specially when they don’t know you, or think they do while you are behind your own writing ink. Being young, fresh and sometimes naive drove many kinds of crazy. I don’t regret the past, times were so different back then. Now the fashion industry has shifted and there are so many new writers, journalists and influencers that are way ahead of their time. It’s fascinating to me! To see the openness and transparency of some media. Being an influencer in this era has a completely different meaning, that when I used to be one. Brands would sent gifts, and do great PR events but we didn’t monetize, or that wasn’t even an option, it was amazing just to be sponsored or being a brand ambassador like many brands do now. I guess I was sometimes misunderstood. The way I saw fashion as a whole, the way it filled my insides with joy just doing childish ootds and having fun. It became a sharp knife, when people would comment on my body all the time, besides my content creation. And god forbid that you were over weight… it is called (Gordo Fobia) “the fear of overweight” a term related to haters and people obsessed with someone else’s weight and body composition. I have always been body positive, but the industry was not over it. You would also find difficult not being able to find cool plus size clothing since many brands or designer didn’t have that niche of people in mind back then. The fight is not over, trends and Z generations for the Y2K Skinny trend, and then the incorrect use for OZEMPIC … (we will discuss this later).
Being fashionable is an attitude, it’s being true to yourself and who you are! We express ourselves through our clothes, and we each have a particular story to tell. I am glad that I see much more openness and inclusion in fashion than I did more than 10 years ago.
That is the strongest reason I decided to close and shut down my first blog. And make a comeback with something different, I’ve changed and I’ve grown and turned in to an amazing woman and human being that doesn’t need to prove anything. For many years some of my readers would ask me how I made it into the industry… my best advice is to be your self first, you are first. Trust your self, love your self, be in peace with your self and believe that anything is possible if you keep trying. Dreams sometimes do come true. I hesitated many days, wondering if I should post this or not.. and the reaction that my writer’s ink will bring to many people out there.. I guess this is just a little bit of what is left to say.
I was scrolling my Instagram time line and I saw Trendo’s Profile referring to the “Dead of Fashion” as we “knew it”. And I couldn’t agree more… It is very interesting. We made it through the “digitalization” era, and now somehow new generations are searching for a new “truth” and rescuing a natural facade in new trends. I would love to talk to Gustavo Prado about it. it would be really interesting to know his point of view. Yes being a fashion blogger meant so many things to different people, but is a chaotic world…
To be continued.. it feels that I should write my memoirs or a book, sounds promising..