When did you started your career in fashion? My career in fashion started since I was little, because my mom and the family on my mother’s side have always been dedicated to the production and commerce of knitting and leather garments. Since my childhood I’ve had a very big passion for fashion as a media of expression. Formally I started the career in Textile Design in la Ibero.
How has it been working side by side with your mom fashion designer Lydia Lavín? Very awesome, it has been a great opportunity and very fulfilling to count with her and do things together. I think we are a perfect match between experience and innovation, we’ve had the opportunity of expressing ourselves in our specialty.
How was Monserrat Messeguer as a fashion brand namesake conceived? It was conceived from a restlessness since always to have my own brand. My mom proposed me for an event called Metropolitan Contrasts that was organized by the Italian embassy, and with only five looks I presented my brand for the very first time. As it started to grow I began to receive invitations of people I love and admire like Sara Galindo and from Fashion Week.
What’s your brand DNA and concept? To find the beauty in the coarse and the unexpected of Mexico. In it’s desert, in it’s ranch, and in coarse materials.
How is your creative process as a designer? It starts as genuine personal interests that tuned up to research more deeply, until sketching and prototyping. later that they have been perfected, and see the whole strategy around it’s launching.
What is your inspiration behind your SS/21 collection? It will be an extension of Forastera, the truth is that we like that our collections don’t attach to a temporality necessarily. We make a much bigger concept than a season, and we like that the story tells it’s self with time. The pieces are lasting so they don’t need to be limited to a temporality.

Which are your next projects? We have so much projects for 2021, a year full of hope. We hope to have presence physically next semester. Meanwhile, we have a lot to grow and potentialize online and through private and personalized experiences that have been very effective.
Did you ever imagined that you will be the new FGI Mexico’s new Director? Yes, truly it was always a dream since I saw my mom involved in that role and to achieve it was latent in my mind. It came true much more earlier than I expected, but I think that is an opportunity to take it to the next generation, always with the same spirit to connect and
During your career what have been your greater achievements? To hold our business and making them grow during the pandemic, sincerely it takes and applause. I think that it has been a very strong challenge, but we have always maintained faithful to our team, and the difference we make for so many artisan women. That is our engine and we wouldn’t have achieved it with the support of particular and international wholesale clients.
What have been your challenges as a designer? Having enough tools to measure how are my projects doing. As a designer there is never information in the real world, but always an invitation to be very creative, which is awesome , but it has to hold it’s self tangible.
What element do you consider that today’s Mexican designers need to position themselves in the Fashion Industry and abroad? scalability. In order to really grow, we need that what we offer can be taken to many places. We can have something super special and unique, but also we can dabble in replicable lines without loosing authenticity.